Page 3 of 10 Results 21 - 30 of 96

 SWC No SizeScaleQualityDescriptionOPC RefDwg NoSrc
SWC/G/16 A2 12mm/ft 10 ton Open wagon, 4 plank with timber u/frame 1309
SWC/G/17 A2 12mm/ft 10 ton Double bolster wagon, 22'6" 1595
SWC/G/18 A2 12mm/ft 6w 31' Road vehicle truck/long sleeper wagon 1647/1787
SWC/G/19 A2 12mm/ft 8 ton Insulated (refrigerated) van 1462
SWC/G/20 A2 12mm/ft 8 ton Meat van 1483
SWC/G/21 A2 12mm/ft 10 ton Cattle wagon 1507
SWC/G/22 A2 12mm/ft 10 ton Cattle wagon, medium 1508
SWC/G/23 A2 12mm/ft 8 ton Cattle wagon, special 1040
SWC/G/24 A2 12mm/ft 10 ton Open wagon, 5p with steel underframe 1309
SWC/G/25 A2 12mm/ft 10 ton Road vehicle truck, 28' 1645

Page 3 of 10 Results 21 - 30 of 96