Page 5 of 10 Results 41 - 50 of 96

 SWC No SizeScaleQualityDescriptionOPC RefDwg NoSrc
SWC/G/55 A2 12mm/ft 8 ton Open wagon, 3 plank (S&DJR) 1732
SWC/G/54 A2 12mm/ft 10 ton Road vehicle truck, 17' 1642
SWC/G/53 A2 12mm/ft 8 ton Single bolster wagons (S&DJR) 1591/2
SWC/G/52 A2 12mm/ft 8/10 ton Cattle wagon, large (S&DJR) 1505
SWC/G/51 A2 12mm/ft 10 ton Covered goods van 1408/9
SWC/G/50 A2 12mm/ft 8 ton Covered goods van (S&DJR) 1403
SWC/G/49 A2 12mm/ft 20/24 ton Goods brake van 1543
SWC/G/48 A2 12mm/ft 10 ton Goods brake van (S&DJR)
SWC/G/47 A2 12mm/ft 8 ton Cattle wagon, large 150
SWC/G/46 A2 12mm/ft 10 ton Covered goods wagon 1406

Page 5 of 10 Results 41 - 50 of 96