The South Western Circle was formed in 1962 as a correspondence group to co-ordinate and share the results of research into the London & South Western Railway. From this informal group the Circle has developed into a Society with a membership of over 500, managed by a Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting, usually held in January of each year. Although the collection and dissemination of information about the LSWR remains the Circle’s foremost objective, the needs of Railway Modellers are also recognised.
The Circle's current aims are:-
To assist members to enhance their knowledge of the LSWR.
To encourage members to research into all aspects of the LSWR, both during and after the period of its independent existence.
To assist more accurate modelling of the LSWR through the provision of information and scale drawings.
Membership Benefits
Members enjoy the following benefits:-
South Western Circular
A quarterly publication containing articles and features on all aspects of the LSWR, both prototype and model. It usually consists of 40+ A5 pages including articles, photographs, some in colour, and drawings contributed by members.
Occasional, well-illustrated paperback publications on a single subject are published as suitable texts arise and funds allow. They are issued free to members at the time of publication.
Circle News
Sent each quarter containing news of the Circle's activities, membership and updates of the Sales, Drawings and Portfolio Services.
Published Drawings List (Currently out of print)
A comprehensive index of all published drawings relating to the LSWR.
Membership List,
Which is regularly updated to encourage and facilitate informal contact between members and includes details of interests.
Five meetings a year, including the A.G.M., are held in West Byfleet, Fareham, Salisbury and Exeter, and are addressed by speakers on matters of LSWR interest. Members are encouraged to bring along models, drawings and items of interest which afterwards can form the basis of enjoyable discussion.
Drawing Service
Provides for sale an extensive range of scale drawings of locomotives, rolling stock, buildings and track plans.
Sales Service
Provides the member with a wide range of relevant books and publications at a discounted rate.
Portfolio Service
Containing photographs, references to published materials and members notes on a wide variety of topics, are available on loan and for most portfolios, on CD.
Membership details
Membership is open to anyone interested in the LSWR and who shares the Circle's aims. Interests are not confined to the pre-grouping period and those interested in later periods are equally welcomed. The committee however reserves the right to decline membership. An annual subscription is payable on joining and renewed each year on 1st September.
The current rate is: £20.00 per annum for members in the UK.
£35.00 per annum for members in Europe.
£40.00 per annum for members outside Europe (Airmail).
The rules of the Circle can be seen here
Applications for membership should be made by printing the Membership Application Form and mailing it with the appropriate subscription to the address shown on the Form. Alternatively for the time being, please email the Membership Secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a copy of the form, who can also provide details for BACS payment of the subscription.