Page 15 of 21 Results 141 - 150 of 204

 SWC No SizeScaleQualityDescriptionOPC RefDwg NoSrc
SWC/P/134 A3 24mm/ft Carriage body (framing & panelling) (1884) 5.6
SWC/P/138 A3 7mm/ft 25' 4 wheel Family carriage (1876) 3.132
SWC/P/139 A3 7mm/ft 30' S&DJR Passenger brake van
SWC/P/140 A3 7mm/ft 31' S&DJR Composite
SWC/P/141 A3 7mm/ft 31' S&DJR Third (c. 1890)
SWC/P/142 A3 1/2 Laycock's torpedo ventilator
SWC/P/01 A3 7mm/ft 30' Passenger brake van (c1885)
SWC/P/02 A3 1/36th 30' Passenger brake van carcass detail
SWC/P/12 A3 7mm/ft 48' Composite
SWC/P/13 A3 7mm/ft 48' Third (1898)

Page 15 of 21 Results 141 - 150 of 204